Pecha Kucha

Pecha Kucha is something which came around in the country Japan in 2003, it is a form of PowerPoint presentation but made faster with around 20 seconds to a slide. Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham first created the idea as people wanted to pitch different business ideas so a way in which to fit so many people in was to create the idea of Pecha Kucha in which each person has around 5-6 minutes per presentation. Since then this has become an annual event taking place each year for participants to pitch their ideas using a Pecha Kucha presentation.  The idea is so that people can take the information faster but also so that others do not talk to long when producing each slide. I felt that this is a good idea because it helps others interact better with their audience and also I find that when people produce a PowerPoint that I tend to get bored quicker because people become nervous, with the invention of Pecha Kucha this is no longer a problem as each point is made simpler and also made more to the point.
We were told in our network media class to make our own presentation based on the idea of a Pecha Kucha, I did this by getting in to a group with 2 other girls from my class in which we decided to base our Pecha Kucha on Tim O’reillys theory on Collective Intelligence. Collective Intelligence is how Web 2.0 affects our everyday lives through websites such as social sites; facebook, Twitter and even this site blogger as it’s a group of people which make the site what it is. For example Facebook would not be a website without a collective group of people to harness the site and make it work potentially as a social networking site.  O’reilly states The network is opening up some amazing possibilities for us to reinvent content, reinvent collaboration.”   From this I feel that O’Reilly is showing that collective intelligence is a way in which we can become as one and recreate more collective intelligence with devices such as web 2.0. We decided for our Pecha Kucha that we would each have 5 slides with 20 seconds to a slide, I found an easier way would be to put pictures up or quotations and then for myself to write down each point that I was going to make on flash cards for myself to see, that way the rest of the class wouldn’t be reading what I was reading out to them and they would then have to listen to me.
                I felt that our Pecha Kucha went well and it is also a good way to know what one is as it comes across much more professional. When I read out our slideshows I felt nervous but because I had a short time to speak in I didn’t talk too much and also stuck to the point that I had to make. It is hard knowing that you only have a short amount of time but then I didn’t ramble on to much then.  

To view my Pecha Kucha click here:

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